
Since January 2018 Rosneft Deutschland GmbH has been providing its customers with industrial bitumen from the PCK, Bayernoil and MiRO refineries.

The product range of Rosneft Deutschland GmbH covers the current demand of Germany and its neighbouring countries for all layers of road construction. Already in 2018, the company provided products to more than 130 asphalt mixing plants and production sites.

Availability per delivery point

Paving Bitumen (EN 12591), hard paving grade Bitumen (EN 13924)

Bitumen type /
refinery, PmB plant
PCK Schwedt
Miro Karlsruhe
Bayernoil Vohburg
PmB plant
RN Bitumen 10/20      
RN Bitumen 35/50      
RN Bitumen 50/70  
RN Bitumen 70/100  
RN Bitumen 160/220      


In addition to standard paving bitumen Rosneft Deutschland GmbH currently offers ready-to-use, polymer-modified bitumen under the name “Alfabit” from two locations. Alfabit is our own product – a highly modified bitumen characterised by high elasticity and wear resistance.

Availability per delivery point

Polymer modified Bitumen (EN 14023)
RC* – Recycling grade

Country Alfabit type / PmB plant PmB plant Schwedt PmB plant Mannheim
DE Alfabit 10/40 – 65 A
DE Alfabit 10/40 – 65 A RC*
DE Alfabit 25/55-55 A
DE Alfabit 25/55-55 A RC*
PL Alfabit 25/55 – 60
DE Alfabit 40/100 – 65 A
DE Alfabit 45/80 – 50 A
DE Alfabit 45/80 – 50 A RC*
PL Alfabit 45/80 – 55
CH Alfabit 10/40 – 70 (CH-E)
CH Alfabit 45/80 – 65 (CH-E)
CH Alfabit 65/105 – 60 (CH-E)

Modified Bitumen for Warm-mix-Asphalt (WMA)
(according to TL VBit-StB 22)

Country Alfabit type / PmB plant PmB plant Mannheim
DE Alfabit 10/25 VL
DE Alfabit 25/45 VL
DE Alfabit 45/80 VL
